Travel + Leisure recently posted their take on "America's Best Cities." And while these may be great cities to live in, they are certainly great cities to visit as well.
I must admit that I am sometimes hesitant when I see a list compiled, and I wonder "what was their criteria?", "who were the reviewers?", and most importantly "do they share my point of view?" Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see the list that the folks at T+L came up with. As I flipped through their pages of the top cities, I was happy to see that some of my favorite US destinations were on their as well.
In fact, so far I have visited 11 of the 21 offered on the list. Some of the destinations that I've recommended on countless vacations to friends looking for a nice 3-5 day vacation sans passport include: San Antonio (I even took my mother here!), Chicago, Nashville, Miami, and Seattle (and if, by chance, you did remember to pack your passport, do make an effort to head to Vancouver, Canada!). [As a side note, the cover photo on Journey Paradise's Facebook page was taken on the Amtrak headed south from Vancouver to Seattle during sunset!]

Reading through their reviews really made me think that they "get it" (although I might re-arrange the order a bit...and add a few of my own). But overall, I think it is a great list to start with....I actually think I will be referencing this list in the future when I am looking for a quick vacation to satisfy the inner travel bug.
Do you agree/disagree with the cities listed? Which one is your favorite? Which ones do you think should be added?
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