Monday, December 31, 2012

Adios, Ciao & Sayonara 2012!

2012 was a wonderful year over here at Journey Paradise.  For starters, this is the year we got the guts to establish the blog and related Facebook page.  Of course, we haven't been stellar in keeping it well up-to-date...but we will work on that in 2013 (ahh, gotta love new year resolutions!!).

As for 2012, we survived the "end of the world" countless times and lived to tell about it...and we got to travel to some amazing places.  Actually, 2012 was probably the most active year to-date for our travel adventures.  

10 trips - 18 cities - 6 countries

Not bad!  Only 3 months of the year were exclusively without travel.  We saw amazing places, ate delicious food, met interesting people and really enjoyed our journey.

One of the resolutions for 2013 is to blog more often to document our previous trips.  As of now, we only have one trip planned for 2013 (of course more are being discussed!), so it is about time for us to take pen to paper  start typing on the keyboard and posting blogs of our adventures, travel tips, budget tips, and answer any questions our readers may have.


Please check-in throughout 2013 and leave your comments.  While it is a goal to blog more, we also want this to serve as a useful blog that people enjoy reading, so your comments are appreciated.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Movies Amongst The Stars

Most people have heard of "movies under the stars," where local parks host movie night during the summer months.  But, this post is about movies amongst the stars AKA in-flight movies!

So, let's talk about in-flight entertainment.  Personally, the most entertaining flight I took was a Virgin Atlantic flight from Newark, NJ to Heathrow (London, UK) circa 2006.  Each seat had its own tv, which of course had music, television shows and movies on demand (the usual), but it also had text messaging between seats and video games!  I barely got any sleep on that transatlantic flight!

I am a fan of in-flight entertainment, and more often than not I will check out the airlines website a few days before the trip to see what will be playing.  

Do you look forward to the in-flight entertainment?  Do you prepare in advance (packing headphones, looking online for the offerings)?
What is your favorite airline for in-flight entertainment and why?  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Documenting travel memories

Recently a friend contacted me to get the inside scoop for her upcoming trip to Sicily.  She is headed to the beautiful Italian island in a few months, and she was hoping to get travel tips and "must do's" from us since we traveled there a few years ago (2008).  Thankfully, Sicily was the sole trip that we made a DVD after the fact.  The DVD was set in chronological orders, where each day/destination had its own chapter.  The DVD included pictures and some video clips we were able to capture.  Watching the DVD really helps us to remember where we went, what we saw, and the basic order of the itinerary.  The plan is for her to come and watch the DVD and we can discuss her planned itinerary.

I know for sure that if we did not make this DVD, I would be scrambling to put together pieces of our journey by going through email accounts, looking at photos, and probably some internet research (again!).  

One of the main reasons that we never made a DVD again was because it actually takes time and thought to go through it and make the video/slide show look "perfect."  This includes finding the perfect music to go with the slideshow.  We actually started to make a DVD from a vacation in 2010....but it is still not done...

It's quite sad that with the advent of digital photography, I have been more and more lackadaisical about documenting my journeys (before this blog, of course!).  Previously, I developed photos (back in the 35mm days) and made scrapbooks and even jotted down notes in the margins so I could remember certain key points.  But with digital photography, there is no place to really jot these extra notes down that make some of the pictures so special.

It is my goal with this blog to better document our journeys.  Maybe I will even be so bold as to pledge to write some key items from previous journeys (Sicily anyone?)

What do you save from your trip? How do you compile your memories?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Travel Health (and emergency) Kit

I recently came across this posting on the CDC website, and it made me think "do most people carry a health kit?" and "what do you pack?"

I think the CDC did a great job outlining some of the necessities that one should pack when traveling from daily needs (like necessary medicines, duh!) to more mundane things we may take for granted (like Tylenol). If your medicine cabinet is filled for at-home needs, it does make sense to pack a few staples for any destination away from home too.  After all, why buy it (or look for it in a foreign land) when you have plenty at home.  Plus, most of these items have an expiration date, so if you don't use it when you need it (even if that time is when you are on vacation) you will likely have to toss it at some point in the future.

Adapting the CDC list, I have created a Journey Paradise Travel Health Kit that I plan on taking on all of our future journeys (the items marked with an asterisk (*) are for journeys longer than 1 week in length and/or outside of the USA)

  1. Advil
  2. Sinus/Allergy + Decongestant 
  3. Allergy (antihistamine) medicine*
  4. Pepto-Bismol*
  5. Antibiotics*
  6. Epi-pen* (yes, I got a prescription for one, because you never know...but this is reserved for longer journeys to foreign lands)
  7. Cough drops
  8. Vitamins
  9. Band-Aids
  10. Ace bandage/splint*
  11. Saline drops
  12. Tissues
  13. Sunscreen
  14. Aloe gel/moisturizer
  15. Bug spray
  16. Tweezers
  17. Nail clipper
  18. Q-tips
  19. Antibacterial cream
  20. Icy Hot (I love this product!)
  21. 1% hydrocortisone cream*
  22. Antibacterial hand cleaner

What else am I missing?  What should be added to this list?

Looking forward to seeing your comments!

Time travel - destination 1970s!

Do you ever visit a place or experience something and it instantly transports your mind to a far away time?  Perhaps visiting your grandparents house is a good example, with furniture, rugs, and tchotchkes reminiscent of the early 1900s? ;-)

Well, for those of us on the east coast of USA that were affected by Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy last month, our trips to fill up the gas tank have certainly resembled the 1970.  The difference (aside from the price per gallon!!) is the reason why...the oil embargo in the '70s causes a gas crisis and a limited supply, but in 2012 the reason has to do with limited electricity (the storm caused major power outages across the coast) and an old distribution network (so when the main refinery was affected by Sandy, many areas far away suffered).  However, the pictures look very similar.

In fact, areas of NJ and NY (including all of NYC and Long Island) enacted odd/even days for rationing gas to, hopefully, decrease the lines to the pump. I have witnessed lines to the pump at least two miles long!  And, I've heard stories about people waiting close to 9 hours for gas. Crazy!  If you don't believe me, you can check YouTube - or read this article which has compiled a few YouTube videos.  

I certainly do hope this problem is fixed soon (and we eventually become less reliant on fossil fuels!!), so we can return to the current decade :-)

Stay well,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What are the best US destinations?...Look no further!

Have a few days off from work and looking for a vacation in the good ol' US of A, but don't know where to go....well look no further!

Travel + Leisure recently posted their take on "America's Best Cities."  And while these may be great cities to live in, they are certainly great cities to visit as well.

I must admit that I am sometimes hesitant when I see a list compiled, and I wonder "what was their criteria?", "who were the reviewers?", and most importantly "do they share my point of view?"  Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see the list that the folks at T+L came up with.  As I flipped through their pages of the top cities, I was happy to see that some of my favorite US destinations were on their as well.

In fact, so far I have visited 11 of the 21 offered on the list.  Some of the destinations that I've recommended on countless vacations to friends looking for a nice 3-5 day vacation sans passport include: San Antonio (I even took my mother here!), Chicago, Nashville, Miami, and Seattle (and if, by chance, you did remember to pack your passport, do make an effort to head to Vancouver, Canada!).  [As a side note, the cover photo on Journey Paradise's Facebook page was taken on the Amtrak headed south from Vancouver to Seattle during sunset!]

Reading through their reviews really made me think that they "get it" (although I might re-arrange the order a bit...and add a few of my own).  But overall, I think it is a great list to start with....I actually think I will be referencing this list in the future when I am looking for a quick vacation to satisfy the inner travel bug.

Do you agree/disagree with the cities listed? Which one is your favorite? Which ones do you think should be added?


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The value of a dollar

Nope, I am not talking about McDonald's Dollar Menu.  Although, I do realize the chain-food guarantee of consistent food is attractive to some, I would rather explore and indulge in local food.

But, wait, this post wasn't supposed to be about food at all!  How quickly my mind wanders (mmm, foood, mmm)....

The post was intended to be about the value of home currency when abroad.  Don't you love it when your home currency (in my case, the US Dollar) gets you more "bang for your buck" when traveling to countries that have a lower currency.  And, unfortunately, the opposite is true.

Last time we traveled to Europe, the exchange rate was NOT in our favor.  Resulting in paying closer attention to what we were buying and how much it was actually costing us (ouch!).

However, our next trip is to a destination where the USD counts!  In fact, from the time we booked the trip a few months ago, the currency rate has changed in our favor.  I just recalculated our trip expenses, and so far we are coming in under budget! Whoohoo!  I hope this trend continues, at least until we get back!

Having your dollar worth more is like winning the lotto. Score!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is not the name of a cocktail on the beach!

Depending on where you live, you may or you may not have heard of the most recent threat from Mother Nature.  For those living in the Northeast United States, you should have certainly heard the warnings by now!  In fact, many areas (from Washington, DC through New England) have already declared "states of emergency" and mandatory evacuations have been announced.  And, I just heard that the NYSE will be closed tomorrow due to the weather. Wow!
[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
If anyone is planning travel to/from in the next few days, please check the flight status well in advance.  Even if you are not flying to/from the northeast, if your intended plane is normally routed through these areas, you may still be affected.

I am glad that we do not have any travel scheduled in the near future.  I have only had weather adversely affect my travel plans a few times; the worst being when I missed a connecting flight in Miami and had to find a hotel to stay overnight.  And, of course, since it was coded as "weather related," there were no reimbursements.  But that is nothing compared to what a severe storm may do.

Has Mother Nature ever ruined your travel plans?

For those that are in Sandy's path, stay safe and be smart.

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life" ~ Michael Palin

I recently read this quote, and it made me think of another (somewhat related) topic......immunizations before travelling.

Before traveling to a foreign destination, do you check the US Government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel-related website?  Have you ever thought to get any shots before going?

This has been on my mind lately, as our next big adventure includes a three day tents!  Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!  Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!  So after reading the CDC website and noting that nothing is actually required, I have been wrestling with the idea of whether or not to visit a travel clinic (yes, there are doctors that specialize in travel immunizations).

So after much thought, today was the day I visited the travel clinic!  After a lengthy consult with the travel doctor, I decided to only get the Hepatitis A vaccine.  He also gave with an antibiotic prescription that can help with Typhoid as well as other ailments (err, traveler's diarrhea).  Hopefully the prescription is not needed, but it is better to have it just in case.

On a side note, the doctor also recommended getting the seasonal flu shot (which I never get), so that is a new thing to consider....

One item to note, while it is better to be safe than sorry, travel clinics do not accept insurance, so the cost is all out of pocket.  In case you are considering, here is a link to the CDC website and a list of travel clinic nationwide.

So what are your thoughts about travel immunizations?  Have you even thought about it before? Have you done it?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Top Hotels in the World

So, Conde Nast Traveler recently posted the results of its Reader's Choice Awards for the Top 100 Hotels and Resorts in the World.  So, of course, I eagerly went to the site and clicked through all 100 to see if I stayed at a "Top 100" hotel or was soon-to-be planning a stay.  Sadly, none of the hotels that they featured overlapped with my itineraries (past or future).  And, admittedly  I did not even know where some of the hotels were located!!  They all do look gorgeous and diving, and given the opportunity and financial resources, I would happily travel to all 100 (and more!) to report back.

While I was clicking through the list, I thought to myself, "which hotel do you think *might* make it?"  I mean, did I even have a chance of seeing a hotel I stayed at on the list?  And, in fact, I did have the opportunity via work events to stay at some really nice hotels that I thought were worth noting.  So, without further adieu, I would like to give "honorable mentions" to the following hotels:

1. Hotel Commonwealth - Boston, MA

I was only here for one night, but it was an amazing room!  For little ol' me coming in for a quick business meeting, there was more room than I knew what to do with...and, it's not often that you can say that about a hotel.  The room itself had 2 televisions - 1 by a sitting area with a couch, the other in the "bedroom."  The amenities provided were top-notch too!

2. JW Marriott Desert Ridge - Phoenix, AZ 

I arrived late due to airline delays, but since most of the guests at the hotel had already checked-in for the conference, I was fortunate to get upgraded to a wonderful "Hospitality Suite" room that had a balcony, bar/kitchen, dining room table and sofa.  At night, the sofa was moved and a murphy bed dropped down.The hotel has a fun lazy river that I got to enjoy before I left.

Overall, it was a great business trip.  I even got to squeeze in a day trip to Sedona, which is GORGEOUS!

3. Brown's Hotel - London, UK

This was definitely a 5-star hotel with 5-star service.  I had the wonderful fortune of staying here for 5 days, and everything about it was unreal (especially for my meager salary!!).

  The bathroom was larger than my bedroom growing up by at least 2x in size.
(This image is from their website, but I swear my bathroom was larger!)
The conceierge was wonderful.  The bed was luxurious.  And, oh, dining in their English Tea Room for "high tea" was quite a treat.  Never did cucumber sandwhiches taste so expensive :-)   If I could afford it, I would definitely go back. And I most certainly recommend this hotel.  The location is also wonderful.  Central to everything you'd need...including an Aston Martin dealership.

Have you stayed at a "Top 100" hotel?  If so, which ones?  What other hotels would you give honorable mentions?

Stay well,

Monday, October 15, 2012

Local vacations

How much does your city offer?
Do you take advantage of the local culture, cuisine, and events often?

Since our return from San Francisco last month, we have been busy spending our weekends enjoying the local activities and street fairs.  Fall in the NYC/northeast region is wonderful!  There are great street fairs, like the widely known San Gennaro Feast in NYC's Little Italy, to attend.  These fairs have tons of food.  All the yummy Italian restaurants are serving up their classic dishes to both local and visiting tourists.  And, oh my, the desserts!  The feast starts with the traditional Annual Cannoli Eating Competition and desserts and sweets are available throughout the 10 day feast from numerous street vendors and local bakeries.

For those visiting, please note that IT WILL BE CROWDED.  So, plan accordingly.
To avoid crowds, go during the week or early in the day.
If you are visiting with more than 4 people, it will be difficult to stay together as you navigate the crowded, narrow streets.  Set up a time and place to meet if you get separated.  It is best to arrange to meet on a side street off of Mulberry Street.  There are some memorable spots off of Mulberry worth stopping by too... Fan of rice pudding? Rice to Riches is the place to go!

Talk more soon....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pictures, pictures, pictures

So with the advent of digital photography, how often do people actually print pictures anymore?  Well, we got home from our trip to San Francisco last week.  It was awesome, and I will get to drafting a detailed review soon.  But another item on my to-do list is to (1) upload the pictures; (2) go through the pictures and decide what to post/share; (3) figure out if I want to order any pictures.

In the 4 days we were there, I easily took over 1,000 pictures.  I was also using a new camera, so I was just having fun with it (42x zoom; hello!!!!!).  What will I do with these pictures aside from storing them on my computer and sharing a sampling? Who knows?!  But, I no longer need to worry about the $12 and 2 days it would take to get my pictures processed at the local drugstore.  And, I no longer need to decide whether I want to pay a few dollars extra for doubles or not.  And, I no longer need to be concerned that the picture I snapped actually came out like I envisioned (I used to hate when I get back unfocused pictures or ones that were too dark!!).  Now, with digital photographer, my motto is: snap now, edit later.  

So, I am curious, when you go on vacation, how many pictures do you average a day?  Is anyone of the "24" (you know, 24 pictures per roll) mindset anymore?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What is a "good deal"?

I was just telling my husband all the great deals I found for our San Francisco trip, such as a 4-star hotel over the weekend for $200 night.  I got this deal through priceline's "name your price" option, and I have been consistently checking prices since I booked to confirm that, yes, it is/was a good deal. 

However, when my husband actually heard the price (and calculated the total cost for the length of our stay plus taxes), he was not that enthusiastic.  I do realize that we are not talking pennies here; but, given the cost of the city and the other options this was a good deal.

So what constitutes a good deal?

First, it should be a price that you can afford.  No matter how good a deal it is (e.g., 70% off), if it is hurting your wallet or causing financial troubles, it is not worth it!!  Think of it this way, if you need to pay many months of credit card interest for the "good deal", you are better off saving your money till you can afford it later on (and it might even be on sale later too!)

Second, you should want it.  Sometimes we think we want something because it's such a good deal.  For example, I have fallen victim to buying a shirt at a department store that was either too small (hoping I'd one day fit into it) or too out-of-style, because the price tag "could not be beat."  And, while the first rule applied and it was easily affordable, the second rule did not.  Did I even want this? Would I even use it? Or will it sit in my closet for a year until I decide to donate it to the salvation army?  Well, the same rule applies for travel.  If you don't really care about going somewhere, even though the price may start get your brain thinking you want to go, take a minute and think it through.

Other factors to consider: do you have time off that you can go? What would be the total price of the trip (transportation, lodging, excursions, etc.)  I once saw a fantastic deal for a cruise around Alaska.  It was too good to be true! But once I factored in airfare, taxes, and excursions, it soon lost its appeal.

What are other ways you define a "good deal"?


Friday, September 14, 2012

Countdown time!

Isn't the anticipation of traveling and the fact that you have something wonderful to look forward to part of the joy of traveling?  Don't get me wrong, I love last minute vacations (especially last minute DEALS), but planning a trip many months out is fun too!  It helps to squash that travel bug inside me, and gives me tons of things "to do" before going.  You know, like researching the best restaurants, the landmarks, the area, etc.

Another "to do" item is figuring out transportation.  I always like to try to take public transportation on trips, since you experience the local culture from a first-hand point of view that you cannot appreciate when taking a taxi.  Also, it is often much cheaper!  Of course, given the location and the timing, this might not be possible or worth it.  For example, earlier this year we were in Turkey (perhaps I will blog about that in the future), and when researching for things to do and see, I could not for the life of me understand the public transportation system from my computer in the USA.  I am sure the language barrier did not help either.  However, after a day walking around Istanbul, the bus system seemed pretty easy to navigate afterall.  And, my did we save money - and we got a free (unintended) tour!!!

Another "to do" item that can occupy countless hours (if you let it) is itinerary planning!  I am the type of person then when I travel I want to see the most I can without becoming exhausted.  Do I find time for sleep? YES.  Do I make time for spontaneous detours and long lunches? SURE.  But when I am home planning for my next trip, it always seems that the longer I have to plan (e.g., months), the more I want to see/do/explore!

Our next trip is a 4 day in San Francisco, and this is what I have on the agenda....

Day 1: Alcatraz tour in the morning (booked) and comedy show at night (booked).  In between the two, I have lots of potential items to see/do, such as Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, Ferry Building.  Basically, just wandering around the city.  Maybe take a ride on the cable car?

Day 2: Reservations at the Stinking Rose.  This restaurant specializes in GARLIC, and since my hubby loves garlic it was a must-stop place.  I decided to do lunch here (hopefully we can sleep late), since the real focus of the day will be going to Candlestick Park (last season the 49ers will be playing there).  Yup, 49ers are a hubby's fave too, so I guess Day 2 is really his day.  With that said, nothing else is booked.  I am sure the trip to/from the stadium, tailgating and the game itself will be exhausting enough.  Oh, and yes, we are taking public transportation there!

Day 3: Renting a car (so excited about this - first time using ZipCar and we reserved a convertible!!) and headed north to the Muir Woods, Sonoma (mmm, wine) and Sausalito.  This will be an early morning since the Muir Woods website says the parking lot fills up quick, so we want to avoid that rush.  Then off to Sonoma. I have a few wineries in mind, but nothing is set in stone.  As for Sausalito, I have NOTHING planned yet.  The only thing I printed is where to park the car.  But, I hear its a great town, so I am looking forward to having dinner there and lollygagging.

Day 4: Booked a morning tour about the history of the Golden Gate Bridge, so we will be headed there bright and early.  I read online about some bakery nearby that has the best foccaccia in the world (we'll see....), so that is a must-stop!  Nothing else is planning, but I am thinking perhaps Japanese Garden in Golden Gate Park.

So those are the plans so far.  If you have any suggestions for must-see/must-do/must-stop places, let me know.  I will be sure to update the blog with a review once we get back from our journey.

-Journey Paradise

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wherever my travels may lead, paradise is where I am. -Voltaire.

A friend just posted this as her facebook status, and it seemed PERFECT for my first post.

My blogging cherry has been popped!  Stay tuned for more....